Category: Mindset

The Complete Performance Blog

[Guide] Building a Gratitude Practice

It’s that time of year again! The time of year where we give thanks for where we’re at in life, what we have, and for what’s to come. But there’s one problem. Why is it just during this time of year? Why aren’t we this grateful 6 months from now? Why can’t we be...

Planning for a Big Event or Holiday

Take a look at your calendar. When’s the next big event? You probably don’t have to scroll through too many pages to find a holiday, family event, work function, or even vacation. Now of those upcoming events, which ones do you care about your appearance or the way...

Balance – What Is That?

List out the things you want in life. More time? More money? More love? More sleep? More peace? What that all comes down to is wanting more balance. What we really want is to have time, finances, and feelings evenly budgeted and distributed for everything that we want...

[GUIDE] Building a Mindset to Make Your Vision a Reality

Imagine your perfect day. The happiest version of yourself. What are you doing for work? How is your relationship with your family and friends? What do your fitness and nutrition habits look like? Think about the smallest of details. Isn’t that a pretty picture? What...

Using Reflection for Better Fat Loss Results

When’s the last time you looked in the mirror? I mean a look at the reflection of your entire body? A while ago? I’m sure you don’t hesitate to stare into the mirror to touch up your make up, pick at your zit, or check to see if your abs have made an appearance yet....

How YOU Can Stop Feeling SO Busy

Do you feel like you’re always on the go? Like you’re always crunched for time? How about this – how many times a day do you say “I’m too busy!”? Remember this lady? Ain't NOBODY got time for an apartment fire! Then there’s the rest of us, we’re too busy for family,...

6 Steps to Finding Your Passion

So you want to be healthy and get back in the gym. That’s great, but why? Why is being healthy important to you? Way too often people approach me ready to workout without having asked or really thought out the answer to that question. Most often, people try to detach...

12 Ways to Move More During the Week

Have you ever told yourself you don’t have time to workout? Sure you have! How do I know? Because I have done it! I OWN a gym – how is it possible to validate that I don’t have time to workout?? I do understand where that can be a VERY strong voice in your head...

7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Getting Healthy

Nobody likes to be wrong. We knock on others who like to be right, but think about it, do you really LIKE being wrong? NO! So many of us hate the idea of being wrong, so much so that we live plagued by the fear of being WRONG. It’s called fear of failure. And do you...

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