Category: Lifestyle

The Complete Performance Blog

How to Use Diet & Exercise to Conquer Back Pain

Hey ladies! Let's talk about something that too many of us know all too well: back pain. Whether it's from sitting at a desk all day, lifting kids, or just the wear and tear of daily life, back pain can be a real buzzkill. But here's the good news: you can take...

Eating Healthy Around the 4th of July

The 4th of July is synonymous with fireworks, family gatherings, and of course, plenty of food. With barbecues, picnics, and festive snacks at every turn, maintaining a healthy diet can seem like a challenge. But with a little planning and mindfulness, you can enjoy...

Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Busy, Active Moms

Being a busy, active mom is a rewarding yet demanding role that often leaves little time for self-care, especially when it comes to managing weight and health. However, with some smart strategies and a bit of planning, it's possible for busy moms to prioritize their...

Family Fun: Eating Healthy and Losing Weight Together

Are you ready to lose weight?  To finally shed the extra pounds that have been hanging around for far too long?    Of course!    But as soon as you start you remember one of the reasons you quit the last time…    Your family.     They won’t eat...

The Ultimate Guide to Losing Fat for Summer

Yikes…  March is almost here and believe it or not that means summer is right around the corner!  And that New Year’s Resolution to shed stubborn body fat seems like AGES ago…  Well, I have good news for you!  It is NOT too late to get your summer body ready!  But it...

How to Workout In 15-Minutes or Less

Imagine your schedule is jam packed.   Between family, work and social events, your calendar is FULL.   But then you look in the mirror or put on a pair of jeans and realize your waistline is also FULL…  Let’s be honest, that’s not your imagination, that’s your...

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