Category: Lifestyle

The Complete Performance Blog

How to Know If a Challenge Is Right for You

In a country where over half of our population is overweight, we are DESPERATE for solutions. We need something -  ANYTHING - to get our rear in our gear, drop the unnecessary pounds, and fit the mold our society pressures us into fitting.  Workout VHS tapes and DVDs...

5 Challenge Takeaways

Flashback 10 years ago and weight loss challenges were all the rage.   Lose 20# in 6 Weeks.   Drop 10# in 3 Weeks.   Tone Up in 10 Weeks.   You name it, I ran it.   My coaching career began in a challenge-based gym, and I truly believe I would not be the coach I am...

How to Get Vacation Ready

You’ve been DREAMING of this…  Counting down the days…  Telling everyone about it…  IT'S A VACATION BABY!  You might be mentally ready for vacation, but are you physically ready??  Or are you like most of our Complete Performance team (before joining the team of...

Are Fat Loss & Weight Loss Different?

“I want to lose weight.”  ^ Without official statistics, that is easily the most popular request from prospective clients.  As someone who has been through her own body transformation, I LOVE to hear this.   As a coach, it excites me to meet someone who has come to...

The ONLY Way to Lose Weight

Are you looking for the secret to losing weight?  Have you been going from diet to diet trying to find THE ONE that will make those pounds disappear.   There are hundreds of diets for fat loss.  Ones ranging from low-calorie, low-carb, low-fat, crash diets, detox...

3 Reasons the Scale Isn’t Moving

What the hell?  You stepped on the scale AGAIN and NOTHING.   It’s the SAME number you saw yesterday and the day before.  Heck, maybe even the week before.   Your workouts have been burners.   You’re eating hasn’t been too bad - maybe a little bit here or there but it...

12 Ways to Move More

Have you ever told yourself you don’t have time to workout? Sure you have! How do I know? Because I have done it! I OWN a gym – how is it possible to validate that I don’t have time to workout?? I do understand where that can be a VERY strong voice in your head...

Consistency: The Secret to Fat Loss

You’ve been at this fat loss thing for a while now and it seems to be working… Down a few pounds.   Crushing a few workouts.   Eating veggies isn’t THAT bad.   Now I don’t know about you, but aren’t you kind of waiting for the shoe to drop?  Because you know that in...

How Morning Movement Helps Fat Loss

Night Owl or Early Bird?  Early bird gets the worm, right?  When it comes to fat loss, that statement holds quite a bit of truth…  Here are 5 benefits of morning movement:  #1 Sets the Tone for Your Day  You know the saying - “A body in motion stays in motion.  A body...

Why Your Standing Desk Won’t Help You Lose Weight

Is it just me or is the traditional office desk becoming as obsolete as your favorite items at the grocery store?  Good gas prices?  Or (best of all) a day of stress-free, peace and quiet?  As a kid, I LOVED popping into my dad’s office and sitting in his cushy chair...

The #1 Skill You Need to Lose Weight

Have you ever searched “How to Lose Weight” on the internet? I’m sure you get the same results I do – ads from Noom and WeightWatchers and the top diet and transformation plans. They’ll tell you their product, plan, or supplements will help you lose the weight in...

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