Category: Mindset

The Complete Performance Blog

11 Ways to Speed Up Personal Growth

So you’re stuck at home… You’ve found the end of Hulu and Netflix… Social media has been thoroughly scrolled through.. You’ve played all the games and put together all the puzzles… Your house is still unclean because you’ve found that no matter how much free time you...

A-Z Lessons from My 26th Year

Flashback one year ago from today, and I would have sworn to you that 26 was destined to be the worst year of my life. I had a lousy birthday. I was questioning whether or not I made the right choice in changing jobs. I was wildly uncertain about starting my own...

What a Scale Won’t Tell You

Do you know what I hate hearing? “The scale is just a number.” Hearing that makes me darn near cringe. Why? Because when I was trying to lose weight and become more comfortable in my own skin hearing that made me feel stifled or quieted. Those words made me feel like...

Real-Life Reflections

What’s the last thing you do once you’ve finished getting ready? What do you do after a bathroom break at work? Before going out on a date? After you eat something that’s less than simple to eat? CHECK THE MIRROR. You take a look at your reflection to make sure you...

11 Principles for Building a Fat Loss Mindset

How many times have you said THIS IS IT? You swear this is the time where you actually lose the weight. You get started, and you really believe that it is. Things are going great – the scale is moving, clothes fit better, and you feel great. Until they’re not going...

EXACTLY What to do When Facing Adversity

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Sure, when work gets tough, we commit a bit more time to the office. You absolutely put in the extra work to take care of your family or a friend in need. Unfortunately, why is it that when we face challenges or...

31 Tips to Make Your Resolution Stick

You’re about one week into the new year, and you can FEEL that shine and excitement of the new year fading… You’re coming up on that second weekend and you’re craving that sweet treat or beverage. You’ve probably already started to convince yourself these habits won’t...

[Guide] Becoming a Part of the Successful 5%

I HATE FAILING. I have been plagued by the fear of failure my entire life. As an athlete, I was told to get rid of that fear, that it’s irrational, and that it’s holding me back. It definitely held me back as an athlete, and it definitely held me back in my pursuit of...

The 10 Commandments for Staying Lean

How many days left in the countdown? You know, the one until your warm winter getaway? Not taking a trip? Me either. This still applies to you because believe it or not, summer will be here before you know it. Do you know what both of these means? Serious regret for...

11 Questions to Ask While Setting Goals

You’re ready to action and get started, but there’s one problem… Where do you start? Your brain is probably FLOODED with questions, most stemming from the fear of starting. But there’s good news. You don’t need to answer all those questions in your head. You ONLY need...

Get Real This Holiday Season…

There are two types of people in December: “I’ll just maintain and wait until January to get started.” “I’m going to lose 20 pounds before the end of the year.” Which one are you? Regardless, you’re out of your mind. If you’re pumping the brakes on the health and...

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