You’re about one week into the new year, and you can FEEL that shine and excitement of the new year fading…
You’re coming up on that second weekend and you’re craving that sweet treat or beverage.
You’ve probably already started to convince yourself these habits won’t stick or that you can’t ACTUALLY do this.
Well you can’t if you keep thinking like that!
We might be a few days into January, but there are a total of 31 days in January, so I
wrote up a tip for every day in January to help you fight through the waning excitement and make your resolutions really stick.
#1 Get Specific with Your Goals
Don’t stop at “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get fit.”
Define what those things mean to you.
How much weight do you want to lose to feel you accomplished your goal?
What does fit look like to you?
The more specific your goal, the clearer the picture is in your head and the easier it becomes to chase after that goal.
#2 Make It a Prevention Goal
Once you’ve decided on what it is that you really want, let’s really find a way to get you to commit to that.
One of the best ways to do that is to set it up so it really “hits you in the feels” or “pulls at the heart strings.”
Prevention goals are PERFECT for that.
Think of these as preventing failure or harm to another.
Like you want to lose X amount of weight or get fit to X standard so you can live a long,
healthy life because you owe it to your family and friends.
If you’re a parent or spouse, that makes it REALLY tough to talk yourself out of…
#3 Break Your Goals Down
Those goals might be far off, so it’s important you break them down to smaller ones.
Set up your pit stops or check points.
This will keep you focused on something in the near future while also clarifying the image in that big picture.
#4 Know How It Fits into Your Life
During the goal setting process, think about your current life and some of the changes required to achieve that goal.
Goals require change, and it’s important you’re honest and realistic up front about the time and change you’re asking of yourself.
If it’s not the right time, table it and start at a more suitable time (I recommend setting a reminder in your calendar for the start date, so you don’t forget it ;)).
Here’s an example.
Your goal is to participate in a fun 5K race this summer. That is definitely doable without too much sacrifice to your schedule and current lifestyle.
Now, if your goal was to WIN a marathon but you can’t remember the last time you ran further than to the refrigerator, you better get ready to dedicate a large chunk of your day to training. Between running, strength training, recovery, and nutrition you’re going to have to sacrifice some hours from work, family time, and social gatherings.
#5 Know How You’ll Measure Progress
You have to have some means for tracking progress.
Be sure you know the how, what, and when of your progress assessments.
You will definitely experience victories outside of these measures of progress, but these help you to recognize whether or not you’re on the path toward your long-term goal.
#6 Give Yourself a Deadline
Let’s say you decided to lose 40 pounds, when do you want to do that by? By the end of your life? In the next week?
Set a deadline for yourself to accomplish it.
It will help you break down your long-term goal to smaller ones and keep you motivated and personally accountable.
#7 Be Realistic with Yourself
So you decided you want to lose 40 pounds in the next week?
Are you planning on amputating a leg…?
Be realistic in both your goals and timelines.
Be realistic in your starting point and clear on how much time and effort you’re able to commit to it.
Remember, a 1# lost is ABOVE average and weight loss only gets tougher as you get leaner.
#8 Hold Yourself Accountable
Read that again – hold YOURSELF accountable.
Everyone wants a coach, trainer, or friend to hold them accountable, but here’s the reality, NOBODY can hold you accountable if you refuse to hold yourself accountable.
A coach, trainer, or friend can tell you WHAT to do, but you are STILL the one responsible for actually doing it.
#9 Be Honest with Yourself
We like to do whatever we can to make ourselves feel better.
You binged hard at the company luncheon because you were stressed from your morning meeting.
You skipped the gym because you felt you needed to spend more time with your family.
I’m not saying work won’t stress you out or that family time isn’t important, but I’m telling you that you need to just get to REAL reason for falling off – you just didn’t want to at that point.
Maybe your morning meeting was stressful, but how can you change things and make it less stressful?
You really do feel like you’re missing out on some family time, so how can you rearrange the schedule to fit your workout AND family time in?
If you really want things to stick, quit sugarcoating and hiding the truth about your missteps. You’ll get back on track MUCH FASTER if you deal with the root problem now.
#10 Refresh Yourself on Your WHY
“Does this come up in every blog you write?”
Pretty much.
Well, if you continue to not write out and get to the WHY of your goal, then I’ll continue to have to put it into these blogs!
It’s another one of those things that “hits you in the feels” or “pulls at the heart strings.”
Basically, it gets you to do things when you don’t feel like it anymore.
#11 Bet On Yourself
Have you ever had someone bet against you?
I don’t know about you, but when that happens it’s as good as done (how I ended up doing some of the craziest workouts, 24 burpees for every hour of my 24th birthday, getting tattoos and piercings, and who knows what else…).
Get a family member or friend to bet against you or find one of the websites where you can place a bet on yourself.
Make it money, electronics, toys, or whatever else you find valuable, but I bet (pun intended) you get the job done.
#12 Get in the Right Environment
I told you earlier that pursuing this goal will require change, and sometimes that change means for a different environment.
No, I’m not telling you to quit your job or leave your family.
I’m saying that you may need to pass on some happy hour’s, girls’ nights, or dinner dates until you settle into some of these habits.
The key to making these habits stick and reaching your goals is to reduce exposure to your bad habits.
Keep yourself in environments that support your goal, especially early on.
#13 Set Yourself Up with an Accountability Group
But you love your friends and can’t imagine passing up on night’s out with them – what do you do?
Turn them into your accountability group.
Build a support and accountability network of friends and family because no matter how great you become at holding yourself accountable, you are WAY stronger when others have your back.
Communicate to your family and friends and share what they can do to help.
Remember, they love you, so despite their questions about your journey, they want the best for you. If they don’t, you know what I say – get rid of ‘em 😉
#14 Set Up Rewards and Celebrate
Do you know the saying “what is rewarded will be repeated.”?
You need to plan rewards and celebrations of milestones along the way! That reaffirms your mind and body that it’s doing the right things; therefore, it will continue to do so.
Make it big or small here are a list of recommendations for rewards:
- New clothes
- Meal at your favorite restaurant
- New tech (phone, computer, smart watch, headphones)
- Day off
- Massage or Facial
- Your favorite treat or ice cream
The list is endless, so find what works for YOU!
#15 Get a Coach or Mentor
Coaches and mentors all have their bag full of tricks that can help you to simplify habit formation.
Find one that fits your personality and who can offer advice in the areas you feel you need the most guidance.
“I don’t have money for that.”
I’m willing to bet it takes more money (and time!) to start and stop over and over again on this goal….
#16 Take It 1 Step at a Time
It can be REALLY hard to not think about and plan for what’s next, but I promise the most important is the one you’re currently reaching out to take.
Yes, I told you to write a deadline and to tie rewards to them, but there’s NO rush to get there.
Work on adding one habit or making one change at a time. It’s easier for your mind and body to process and leads to a greater chance for success.
#17 Recruit a Friend or Family Member
Coaches, mentors, and accountability groups are great, but do you know what’s even better??
Having someone walking right alongside you!
Maybe you make this a family or couples thing to get healthy.
Maybe you recruit that friend of yours who you’ve talked with countless times about finally shedding the weight.
That person who first popped into your head when you read this, that’s who you should ask.
Commit to doing this together and sharing in this journey.
#18 Take Progress Pictures
Do it.
I know you hate the idea of it, but not a single person (including myself) who has taken them regrets it.
Just set up the timer, stand in front of a plank wall, in tight fitting clothing, and SNAP.
Repeat every 2 weeks to 1 month.
You don’t have to show anyone but keep at this for 6 months and then take a look back and you are going to notice some major changes regardless of what the scale, body fat percentages, weights, or whatever else shows.
#19 Track More Than One Means of Progress
If your goal is to lose weight, you definitely need to check the scale, but consider keeping track of body measurements, metric-based lifts, body fat percentage, or clothing sizes so you can see how many ways your body is changing.
#20 Journal
Journal for biofeedback or about the journey but keep a record of the journey.
You will love (or get a good laugh) looking at where you started, and it’s great motivation for future goals because you can better create a picture of what the change will look like in your life.
#21 Track Your Food
Your goal may not even relate to weight loss, but food fuels everything that you do, and I think it’s important you see how your diet influences your journey.
Learn about the foods that best suit your body and help you to feel your best each day.
Start by writing what you eat at one meal for one week.
Then add a second meal or if you’re ready, the entire day.
If your goal is specific to weight loss or body composition, then I encourage you to take it one step further into calories and at some point, macros.
If you need help, CLICK HERE for a FREE STRATEGY CALL where I’ll walk you through the starting steps regardless of what your goal is.
#22 Ask for Feedback
There are 2 types of people:
Those who aren’t honest enough in critiquing themselves
Those who are too critical
Regardless of where you fall, I encourage you to ask someone else to give you feedback on your goal, the path you’ve mapped for yourself, and your progress.
Choose someone you trust and know will provide open and honest feedback.
I’m ALWAYS willing to offer up some feedback, just GO HERE and we can set that up for you.
#23 Be Grateful
My favorite number gets my favorite one on the list.
Be grateful that you have the opportunity to pursue this goal.
Be grateful for the progress you’ve made.
And be grateful for what is still ahead of you.
It’s easy to forget your good fortune when you’re focused on making so many changes, so take a minute each day to give thanks for all you have.
#24 Be Forgiving
Here’s the thing, slip ups and mistakes are inevitable, but the key to getting back on track and working to make the habits stick is to forgive yourself.
I get it, you’ve worked hard and swore you wouldn’t make the same mistake again but making that mistake doesn’t mean you have to stop. It doesn’t mean you can’t jump back on board and put in a little more work to make the habits stick.
But you can’t do that unless you forgive yourself. If you continue to beat yourself up and sulk in your mistake, you’re prolonging getting back on track and making it mentally tougher on yourself.
#25 Learn from Your Mistakes
Forgiveness is important, but imagine if you didn’t have to forgive yourself time and time again?
How do you do that?
Learn from your mistakes!
So you made a mistake, ask yourself these questions:
Why did I make that mistake?
What led to this slip up?
How can I correct my mistake?
What are my next steps?
What can I do to prevent this from happening again?
Analyze the entire situation, but be mindful to not criticize.
Create an action for moving forward and when facing this challenge in the future.
#26 Drink More Water
On the outside, you may think this is only for your health and fitness goals, but this goals for any goal or resolution.
Water has SO MANY benefits for our bodies.
Here’s some of them:
- It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and joints.
- It regulates body temperature.
- It flushed out body waste.
- It’s necessary for the airways.
- It boosts skin, hair, and nail health.
- It maintains blood pressure and blood fluidity.
#27 Talk with Others
It’s likely you feel alone in this process and that nobody else in the world is facing the same circumstances.
Talk with others.
Find a few people you can talk through your journey with.
These habits are MUCH more likely to stick when you feel like you have people on your side.
#28 Be Present
How much of this past year did you spend looking ahead or looking back in 2019?
There is only one moment you can ever control, and it’s the one you are currently in.
Yes, it’s important to stay eyes forward with your eyes on your end goal.
Yes, it’s important to check that rear view mirror and learn from the best.
But don’t live in either of those spaces.
Focus on what you can do in this very moment, then move to the next one.
#29 Study
We all have our specialties and areas of expertise, but just because health, fitness, and nutrition (or whatever you resolution relates to) doesn’t fall in that area doesn’t mean you can’t be well-versed in it.
Find credible sources and study what you’re doing.
Talk to coaches and experts (remember conversations are free, CLICK HERE).
Search the internet.
Buy books.
Get the information and study.
It insures you’re following the right path, may help improve results, but most importantly, improves your buy in into what you’re doing and makes it more likely to stick.
#30 Seek Adventure
Get out of your comfort zone and look for adventure along this journey!
Try new things and get creative!
The last thing you want is to look back on this journey to feel as if you barely grew or developed.
The only way to find massive growth is to get out of your comfort zone and seek adventure.
#31 Make It Enjoyable
Best for last, right?
If you do not, it will NEVER stick long term.
Nobody wants to do things they hate or don’t enjoy.
No, not every part of the journey will be enjoyable, but you should find ways to enjoy the journey both in the short- and long-term.
About The Author
Jordan Davies is the Co-Owner of Complete Performance. Jordan has her B.S. in Exercise Science and Psychology, and her M.A. in Holistic Health Studies. She is a CSCS certified strength and conditioning coach, and a PN-1 and NCI-1 certified nutrition coach. She loves to study how the human body needs to be moved and nourished and making that fit to your unique lifestyle. Click Here Now to Apply for Coaching with Jordan.