Imagine your schedule is jam packed. Between family, work and social events, your calendar is FULL. But then you look in the mirror or put on a pair of jeans and realize your waistline is also FULL… Let’s be honest, that’s not your imagination, that’s your...
The Complete Performance Blog
Cardio & Fat Loss (The Truth)
Should you be doing cardio? If you search the internet for weight loss recommendations, you’ll find the answer to be yes. If you’re a female looking to burn body fat while scrolling social media, you’ll find the answer to be HELL YES. Too often we resort to...
The Secret Formula to Strength and Conditioning
When I was in sports growing up in middle school and high school, I signed up for every strength and conditioning opportunity that I had. Unfortunately, at the time there weren't as many available as there are today. Here is what I learned in college and beyond that...
7 Ways to Make Your Workouts Harder
Are your workouts hard enough? Are you doing enough to build muscle? Lose weight? Tone up? At Complete Performance most of our clients come to us FINALLY ready to chase their body composition goals. They trust us with their nutrition. They hold on to our...
Power Requires Specificity
In our last blog on sports performance, we talked about the essentials of power development. You can find that link here Today, we’re going to go a little bit more in depth with how we get that power to transfer the best. SAID Principle The SAID principle is going to...
Essentials of Power Development
It’s a very timely topic today on power development and power output because we’re heading into a season for most athletes that work with us. Specifically, we have many softball, baseball and track athletes who rely heavily on power output and speed to be successful....
I recently made a video that had a lot of good questions asked, and it was based on the long-term adaptations that happen from throwing as you grow up and essentially the adaptations that we find overtime is that the shoulder on the throwing side is commonly down or...
Should Pitchers Bench Press?
When training any client for anything, it is important to consider safety, effectiveness, and carryover to sport. It is important to understand the functional demands of the sport and how the exercises chosen will help the client reach their goals. Traditionally, the...
The Squat Hierarchy
Do you back squat? Better question… Should you be using a back squat in your training program? The back squat, like the bench press and deadlift, is a heavily debated exercise. Is it necessary for training? Or does it pose too great of a risk for injury? Now, if...
3 Bench Press Alternatives
Do you bench press? Better question - should you be using the bench press in your training? The bench press is one of the most heavily debated exercises. In athletics, the question becomes should overhead athletes who throw, spike or shoot use this as a modality...
12 Ways to Move More
Have you ever told yourself you don’t have time to workout? Sure you have! How do I know? Because I have done it! I OWN a gym – how is it possible to validate that I don’t have time to workout?? I do understand where that can be a VERY strong voice in your head...
Why You Should Warm Up to Throw
Warm up to throw, don’t throw to warm up. This is something I am very passionate about, so bear with me as I talk your ear (eyes?) off. We still see too many athletes start their throwing warmup, whether that is before pitching or game/practice, with a ball in their...
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