Category: Mindset

The Complete Performance Blog

7 Keys to Unlocking a Stress-Free Life

If I had a nickel for every time I heard a client say their life is just so stressful right now, I would be able to coach people for free! Heck, that would be the case if I had a nickel for every time I said it! We’re all stressed. Stress is inevitable. We actually...

Are You Ready to be a Meal Prep Master??

Or you want that 5K or half marathon to feel a bit easier this fall… Maybe you’re just ready to start living life again… You know what to do – eat cleaner foods, watch your calories, exercise more, etc. Do you know what the real key to your success is? Consistent...

Quit Trying to Get Worse

Have you ever woke up and said “I want to get worse today?” Have you ever gone about your day aiming to be a worse friend, spouse, or employee? Of course not! You get up and go about your day looking to do a little better or make even the slightest progress. You do it...

6 Simple Strategies to Start Eating Healthy

Wouldn’t it be nice if when we woke up in the morning and said, “I’m going to eat healthy today!” that it just happened? I don’t even know if there’s a number big enough to quantify the number of times I have sworn this time to be THE TIME where change sticks. Nearly...

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