Let’s RIDE! How to Stay On, Not Fall off, the Wagon On Vacation.

by | Jun 12, 2019 | Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition, Training

Who doesn’t want to look their best on vacation!?

As soon as that trip is scheduled, the next thing is to schedule when to start kicking your rear in gear so you can get yourself in the best shape.

It’s back to the gym, cleaning up nutrition, and a commitment to being on your best behavior until that glorious day.

You may look your best when you leave, but how about when you come back?


We have all left with the goal to ‘maintain’ and to ‘not completely throw everything away.’

I am no rookie coach and I have had my fair share of vacations, so I KNOW that as soon as that beverage or offering of pizza comes near, it’s game over.

What if I could tell you how to better maintain on vacation?

What if you’re coming from a different side and you regularly travel for work and are hoping not to start over upon every return?

Travel, whether it be for work or play, does NOT mean all progress must be lost! It is possible to travel and maintain or improve upon your results.

Here are 5 Travel Hacks to keep you at a MINMUM maintaining:

Pack Travel Food

Do you want to know the best way to avoid those processed, sugary, or salty foods?

Bring foods with that you know you can eat! Think of foods that are simple, satisfying, and easily taken on-the-go.

Size is an important thing to consider. For example, an apple is a GREAT snack, but if you’re not bringing a bag or backpack along with you, do you REALLY want to walk around with an apple in your hand all day?

Another valuable thing to remember is that if you don’t have access to a cooler or refrigerator, then a cheese stick or chicken breast might not be your best bet.

Here is a list of some of my Travel Foods:

  • Protein Powder
  • Protein Bars
  • Chicken or Turkey Jerky
  • Trail Mix
  • Fruit (Apples, Oranges, Grapes, Bananas)
  • Dried Fruit (Be mindful of sugar!)
  • Fruit Packets/Squeezes
  • Popcorn
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Nut Butter
  • Dry Oatmeal Cup
  • Dry Protein Pancake Cup
  • Granola or Cereal
  • Rice Cakes

Greens Drink

Veggies can come few and far between while traveling, especially green veggies. A major drop in certain vitamins and minerals can REALLY increase your hunger and cravings, driving you right toward those sweet and savory snacks.

Throw some single packets, or the whole container if it’s a longer trip, in your bag while you pack. Sip on that greens drink throughout the morning to fill yourself up with vitamins and minerals early and eliminate those mid-afternoon or late-night cravings.

Here is a list of Greens Drinks I recommend for travel:

  • Athletic Greens
  • AdvoCare AdvoGreens
  • Nested Naturals Super Greens

Hydrate, Hydrate, and HYDRATE

Traveling dehydrates you even with perfect nutrition! Think about it, who wants to continue to pound the water while stuck in a plane or car for hours??

Besides not putting enough water in, cars and planes are naturally dry environments; so more water is being pulled from your body.

That means hydration is KEY, and I don’t mean with alcohol!

Your goal everyday is to consume half of your bodyweight in ounces of water on a daily basis, and while traveling, you may want to add 10 to 20 ounces to that number.

Aside from assisting in normal functioning, let’s say you give into a few alcoholic beverages or sweet treats, water is what’s going to help flush those toxins back out of your body. The better you are about getting that water in, the faster you rid yourself of those toxins, the better you feel, and the more you can enjoy your vacation.

20 Minutes of Movement per Day

Some individuals are so committed to their workouts, they don’t book a hotel without a fitness center or a gym nearby. If that’s you, then I still recommend 20 minutes of additional movement outside the gym.

Why? I did my workout! Yes, you did, but sitting and bumming around the rest of the day is way less activity you get on a standard day. It’s great recovery for from your workouts and keeping that metabolism moving throughout the day.

It’s possible that you’re the type of person who believes travel is time for a complete rest of your body and that all workouts can wait until you’re back in your home gym. That is perfectly fine, but it does mean those 20 minutes of movement are pretty important to you. Don’t make it a workout, just give your standard travel activities a purpose.

Here are some of my favorite ways to get active on vacation:

  • Walk
  • Hike
  • Swim
  • Walk around in the pool
  • Hotel stairs
  • Go on tours
  • Explore

Rest & Recover

Traveling, whether for business or pleasure, elevates your stress levels. It’s out of your routine and away from your norm, so your body is scrambling to get back to the norm!

Upon arrival, you want to cue your body to start relaxing and to slow down and enjoy the moment. Regardless the purpose of your travel, set aside time in your schedule for some well deserved “Me Time,” and help that body settle into the temporary norm.

Relaxing is not in my nature, but I can attest to how beneficial it is when there is scheduled “Me Time” in my travel. Afterward, you’ll feel motivated and energized when you return home! You’re going to want to get right back to your routine with a fresh perspective and readiness to get after your goals.

Here are some of my favorite ways to relax while traveling:

  • Take in and tour the scenery around you
  • Read a good book
  • Try an activity you don’t’ do at home
  • Don’t over schedule yourself
  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Sleep In or Catch Up On Sleep
  • Unplug for a day
  • Splurge on a spa day

Traveling is exciting, fun, insightful, exhausting, and stressful all in one. That does not mean you have to completely throw away all progress. Each day is still an opportunity to move you closer to your goals, and learn to handle new challenges in the process.

Next time you plan a trip and start cramming in workouts for your vacation body, think about what you can bring with you to keep yourself healthy, fit, and achieving your goals as you travel.

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