Category: Mindset

The Complete Performance Blog

What Keeps You Motivated?

Who doesn’t need a little dose of Monday Motivation? You had a good weekend, maybe a little too good, that the only thing you want to do is turn the alarm off, sleep a bit longer, and carry that weekend over right into Monday. Monday’s are tough. I’m not sure a single...

What Is Online Coaching?

As a kid, I LOVED when my parents were working with a personal trainer. It meant one to two hours of pure playtime two to three days a week! Growing up I felt as if everyone’s parents had a personal trainer that was THE thing. Now I’m grown up and working as a...

3 Reasons to Take a Chance On Yourself TODAY

During my 11th grade English class, I remember spending over a month learning about different personality and psychology tests. We were even assigned to present on a psychologist and his or her associated testing! Every presentation went the same – talk about the...

4 Reasons You Should Not Diet Alone

What is it about dieting that makes us want to hide it from everyone else? Why are we afraid to tell others that we’re trying to lose a bit of weight? What makes it so easy to share our location at a bar on Friday but so difficult to do the same at the gym on Monday?...

Are You the Tortoise or the Hare?

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare gets off to an incredible start with the tortoise left in the dust. The hare stops to rest, only to get passed and lose the race to the tortoise. What is the significance of the tortoise winning the race?...

7 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Dieting

Who isn’t trying to get a little bit healthier, lose a few extra pounds, or tone up some areas? Because everyone is trying for even the slightest health improvement, I hear of the diets, supplements, and tricks that people just started and swear by. Then a few weeks...

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