Category: Nutrition

The Complete Performance Blog

5 Challenge Takeaways

Flashback 10 years ago and weight loss challenges were all the rage.   Lose 20# in 6 Weeks.   Drop 10# in 3 Weeks.   Tone Up in 10 Weeks.   You name it, I ran it.   My coaching career began in a challenge-based gym, and I truly believe I would not be the coach I am...

Are Fat Loss & Weight Loss Different?

“I want to lose weight.”  ^ Without official statistics, that is easily the most popular request from prospective clients.  As someone who has been through her own body transformation, I LOVE to hear this.   As a coach, it excites me to meet someone who has come to...

Micronutrients 101: Do You Need Them?

Food Quality -> Calories -> Macronutrients -> Micronutrients -> Supplements, Nutrient Timing, Etc. That’s the order of importance when it comes to fat loss. Without a solid base to the pyramid (AKA consistently eating high quality foods 80-85% of a time),...

The ONLY Way to Lose Weight

Are you looking for the secret to losing weight?  Have you been going from diet to diet trying to find THE ONE that will make those pounds disappear.   There are hundreds of diets for fat loss.  Ones ranging from low-calorie, low-carb, low-fat, crash diets, detox...

3 Reasons the Scale Isn’t Moving

What the hell?  You stepped on the scale AGAIN and NOTHING.   It’s the SAME number you saw yesterday and the day before.  Heck, maybe even the week before.   Your workouts have been burners.   You’re eating hasn’t been too bad - maybe a little bit here or there but it...

Consistency: The Secret to Fat Loss

You’ve been at this fat loss thing for a while now and it seems to be working… Down a few pounds.   Crushing a few workouts.   Eating veggies isn’t THAT bad.   Now I don’t know about you, but aren’t you kind of waiting for the shoe to drop?  Because you know that in...

How to Build a Better Breakfast

Rather listen? CLICK HERE to check it out on YOUTUBE! “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”  In my experience, that statement is plugged by 1 of 2 people:  Dads Doctors  Let a third enter into the conversation…  Me 😈  I COULD list out all the reasons...

7 Tips to Avoid Standing Out at the Dinner Table

What’s one of the biggest fears about changing your diet? Standing out at the dinner table. Yep, it’s not what to eat or how to change… At this point, with everything out there about nutrition and fat loss, these things are almost common knowledge. It’s the attention...

Why You Can’t Stay Shredded All Year

You know those people on social media or in magazines who are sexy, toned, and lean? Yea, they’re not real. Well, they’re real people, but that’s not what they look like every day of their lives. They got themselves lean for this event or photoshoot.  They did it on...

How to Reduce Hunger on a Diet

Is this what your day looks like? Breakfast – (CHECK) Morning Snack – (CHECK) Lunch – (CHECK) 3PM – RAGING Hunger Completely blow the diet on junk food, cheap drive through meals, or really just anything you can get your hands on. Or maybe, you absolutely crush your...

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