Category: Nutrition

The Complete Performance Blog

The Balanced Guide: Drinking Alcohol During Fat Loss Journey

Contrary to what many believe, starting a fat loss journey doesn't mean completely sacrificing all the pleasures in life, including the occasional drink. However, if not approached in the right way - with mindfulness and moderation - alcohol consumption can cause you...

The Key to Fat Loss Goals: Tracking Your Food

Embarking on a journey toward better health and fitness often involves a combination of exercise and nutrition. While hitting the gym and breaking a sweat is crucial, what we fuel our bodies with plays an equally (though many would argue MORE) significant role. One...

Carb Cycling 101

Let's Talk About Your Cycle (And I DON'T Mean Period) But do you know what this cycle and your period have in common?  CARBS 🍓🍞🍕🧁 Far too often women look to SLASH carbs when they're desperate to lose weight only to gain back all the weight they lost as soon as they...

How to Guarantee 64 Oz of Water

Shots.  Pills.  Shakes.  We’re all looking for that KEY to losing weight and keeping it off for good.   So much so that we’re willing to risk long-term health if it is gives us even the SLIGHTEST chance to lose the weight and keep it off for good.     What if I told...

Cheat Meals 101 (How to Plan Your Best Cheat Meal)

You’ve been on this diet and healthy thing for a few months…  Okay, maybe a few weeks…  Alright, let’s be honest, you’ve been at it for a few hours or days and you’re already wondering when you can have your first cheat meal.   Flashback to the last diet you tried 😱...

3 Reasons the Scale Won’t Budge

What the hell?  You stepped on the scale AGAIN and NOTHING.   It’s the SAME number you saw yesterday and the day before.  Heck, maybe even the week before.   Your workouts have been burners.   You’re eating hasn’t been too bad - maybe a little bit here or there but it...

Top 5 Fruits for Fat Loss

As kids, doctors drill kids about eating enough fruits and vegetables.   As busy adults, the internet villainized fruits for fat loss.   The truth?  Fruits are great whole-food sources of fiber that are low in calories.  Sounds like a pretty good fat loss food if you...

What Makes Up Calories Burned

What makes up your caloric intake?  Do coaches just sit around and pick random numbers to come up with these things???  Well, that’d be a lot less work, but it would also be a lot less accurate.   Determining someone’s caloric intake can take a lot…  Most importantly,...

3 Takeaways from Counting Calories

Did you know there’s only one way to lose weight?  What is it?  Through a calorie deficit!  In today’s world, I don’t come across too many people who have NEVER tracked calories.  It’s really become all the rage over the last 10 to 15 years.   Unfortunately, fitness...

How to Break the Binge-Restrict Cycle

Imagine it’s been another one of those days…  Your morning got off to a crazy start…  Your work day was stressful and chaotic…  And if somebody so much as looks at you the wrong way, you’re going to breakdown.    Putting it nicely - YOU. ARE. STRESSED.   Suddenly, you...

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