Motivation Restoration: The Why & How

Motivation Restoration: The Why & How

It’s what you’ve been searching for… It’s the thing you believe is holding you back from losing weight… It’s what you believe stops you from going to the gym in the morning… It’s the missing link to sticking to a meal plan or diet… What is it? MOTIVATION! And no...
11 Ways to Speed Up Personal Growth

11 Ways to Speed Up Personal Growth

So you’re stuck at home… You’ve found the end of Hulu and Netflix… Social media has been thoroughly scrolled through.. You’ve played all the games and put together all the puzzles… Your house is still unclean because you’ve found that no matter how much free time you...
A-Z Lessons from My 26th Year

A-Z Lessons from My 26th Year

Flashback one year ago from today, and I would have sworn to you that 26 was destined to be the worst year of my life. I had a lousy birthday. I was questioning whether or not I made the right choice in changing jobs. I was wildly uncertain about starting my own...
What a Scale Won’t Tell You

What a Scale Won’t Tell You

Do you know what I hate hearing? “The scale is just a number.” Hearing that makes me darn near cringe. Why? Because when I was trying to lose weight and become more comfortable in my own skin hearing that made me feel stifled or quieted. Those words made me feel like...
Real-Life Reflections

Real-Life Reflections

What’s the last thing you do once you’ve finished getting ready? What do you do after a bathroom break at work? Before going out on a date? After you eat something that’s less than simple to eat? CHECK THE MIRROR. You take a look at your reflection to make sure you...