3 Steps to a Sizzlin’ Summer Body

3 Steps to a Sizzlin’ Summer Body

Have you done it yet? Have you ripped off the band aid and tried on those summer clothes yet? Yikes. I remember hating that as far back as elementary school! Yes, I was still a growing kid who had every reason to NOT fit into her clothes, I hated the feeling of being...

Oh, You’re Hungry?

Oh, You’re Hungry?

If you say “hunger” on a global scale, you think of the impoverished, malnourished individuals of the world. If you say “hunger” in America, it’s likely your mind travels back to the last time you ate. There’s a difference. Globally, hunger is a MAJOR issue.  One that...

[GUIDE] FIT With a Side of Cardio

[GUIDE] FIT With a Side of Cardio

Powerlifters are NOT endurance athletes. EliteFTS suggests powerlifters should do 2 to 3 sessions of 20 to 45 minutes of cardio. Hold up – AT A WALKING PACE. I’m a powerlifter; therefore, as a coach, I naturally attract individuals looking to train through resistance...

Why Calories MATTER

Why Calories MATTER

Calories In vs. Calories Out. Eat less calories. Eat more calories. Eat these calories and not these calories. Eat your calories at this time and not after this time. The list goes on and on. In today’s world, the statements on calories are ENDLESS.  They range on...

5 Training Misconceptions

5 Training Misconceptions

According to good old Google, there are approximately 340,000 certified personal trainers in the United States alone. The PT Pioneer (where I actually found that stat) said that doesn’t include those who are NOT certified and just offer their “knowledge” on the...

35 Days Without Sugar (A REVIEW)

35 Days Without Sugar (A REVIEW)

“Oh, come on, you can’t eat THAT much sugar.” I heard that more than once when I shared my desire to give up sugar for a month. But what you see isn’t always a full world view. I was eating sugar. A LOT of sugar. Peanut Butter Monster Trail Mix. Hot Chocolate (95%...

[GUIDE] FIT Programming

[GUIDE] FIT Programming

2017 – Wearable Technologies are the #1 Fitness Trend 2018 & 2019 – HIIT is the #1 Fitness Trend 2020 – COVID and At-Home Workouts ruled the world 😉 But seriously, HIIT surged onto the scene as the BEST style of training for fat loss. It’s fast-paced. It’s time...

[GUIDE] What’s Neat About NEAT in Fat Loss

[GUIDE] What’s Neat About NEAT in Fat Loss

NEAT-O! Regardless the context or who used the word, I will ALWAYS think of my Uncle Dean-O when I hear the word “neat.” It’s his word, and it makes me giggle a little thinking about all the times we’d show him something ridiculous as a kid and he’d act just as...

How to Build a Better Breakfast

How to Build a Better Breakfast

53%. That’s the number of people who skip breakfast AT LEAST once per week. 12% of people admit to NEVER eating breakfast. Me? There’s probably only 12 days in my entire life that I’ve skipped breakfast. I grew up in the era of “Breakfast is the most important meal of...

Why I’m Giving Up Sugar for 30 Days…

Why I’m Giving Up Sugar for 30 Days…

Hello, my name is Jordan and I’m addicted to sugar. I’ve always said the first step to recovery is admitting it… So, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me fill you in a little bit more on WHY. Disadvantages of Sugar Sugar Causes Glucose Levels to Spike and...

The Value of Micronutrients

The Value of Micronutrients

Food Quality -> Calories -> Macronutrients -> Micronutrients -> Supplements, Nutrient Timing, Etc. That’s the order of importance when it comes to fat loss. If you’ve followed my content for some time, you’ll know I typically post this in pyramid form....
